Get called function name as string

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-09 08:13

I\'d like to display the name of a function I\'m calling. Here is my code

void (*tabFtPtr [nbExo])(); // Array of function pointers
int i;
for (i = 0; i <         

  • 2020-12-09 09:10

    I'm not sure this is what you want, but you could do something like this. Declare a structure to hold a function name and address, and an array of functions at file scope:

    #define FNUM 3
    struct fnc {
        void *addr;
        char name[32];
    void (*f[FNUM])();
    struct fnc fnames[FNUM];

    Initialise these in your code manually by function name, e.g.

        fnames[0] = (struct fnc){foo1, "foo1"}; // function address + its name
        fnames[1] = (struct fnc){foo2, "foo2"};
        fnames[2] = (struct fnc){foo3, "foo3"};

    Make a function to search the array, e.g.

    char *getfname(void *p)
            for (int i = 0; i < FNUM; i++) {
                    if (fnames[i].addr == p)
                            return fnames[i].name;
            return NULL;

    I ran a quick test of this. I initialised the array in main, and called foo1(). Here's my function, and the output:

    void foo1(void)
        printf("The pointer of the current function is %p\n", getfnp(__func__));
        printf("The name of this function is %s\n", getfname(getfnp(__func__)));
        printf("The name of the function at pointer f[2] (%p) is '%s'\n", f[2],
    The pointer of the current function is 0x400715
    The name of this function is foo1
    The name of the function at pointer f[2] (0x40078c) is 'foo3'

    Or, more generally:

    void foo2(void)
        for (int i = 0; i < FNUM; i++) {
            printf("Function f[%d] is called '%s'\n", i, getfname(f[i]));
    Function f[0] is called 'foo1'
    Function f[1] is called 'foo2'
    Function f[2] is called 'foo3'
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-09 09:17

    You need a C compiler that follows the C99 standard or later. There is a pre-defined identifier called __func__ which does what you are asking for.

    void func (void)
      printf("%s", __func__);


    As a curious reference, the C standard dictates that the above is exactly the same as if you would have explicitly written:

    void func (void)
      static const char f [] = "func"; // where func is the function's name
      printf("%s", f);

    Edit 2:

    So for getting the name through a function pointer, you could construct something like this:

    const char* func (bool whoami, ...)
      const char* result;
        result = __func__;
        result = NULL;
      return result;
    int main()
      typedef const char*(*func_t)(bool x, ...); 
      func_t function [N] = ...; // array of func pointers
      for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
        printf("%s", function[i](true, ...);
    0 讨论(0)