Within Gulp, I am using gulp.src
to select every font file from a directory:
gulp.task(\'copy-fonts\', function() {
I would use gulp-flatten:
var flatten = require('gulp-flatten');
gulp.task('copy-fonts', function() {
As to how this is done internally, check: https://github.com/armed/gulp-flatten/blob/master/index.js
Another option is to use the glob library to unglob your paths, and then pass the file paths into gulp.src. When gulp src receives unglobbed file paths the relative dir is not maintained and simply copies the file to the root of the dest dir you specify. It can also be useful to unglob your paths first if you need to do any custom filtering or appending before setting src.
glob = require('glob');
gulp.task('copy-fonts', function() {
files = glob.sync('dependencies/**/*.{ttf,woff,eof,svg}');
Another option is to simply rewrite the file path inside gulp.dest
var path = require('path');
gulp.task('copy-fonts', function() {
return gulp.src('components/**/*.{ttf,woff,eof,svg}')
.pipe(gulp.dest(function(file) {
file.path = file.base + path.basename(file.path);
return 'build/fonts';
You can also use this technique with gulp-changed
var path = require('path');
var changed = require('gulp-changed');
gulp.task('copy-fonts', function() {
var dest = 'build/fonts';
return gulp.src('components/**/*.{ttf,woff,eof,svg}')
.pipe(changed(function(file) {
file.path = file.base + path.basename(file.path);
return dest;