Missing ADO.NET entity data model template from Visual Studio 2012 Professional. I don\'t even have \"Data\" category from Visual Studio template category.
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I had the same problem with Visual Studio Express 2013. If you have that problem, don't reinstall Visual Studio, you have to repair EF tools:
Search in C:\ProgramData\Package Cache for "eftools.msi"
Pick the most recent, run it and select repair.
Press right click on an existing project
select "add" -> "New Item..."
Under "data" node you can select the "ADO.NET Entity Data Model"
Here I found the solution
I faced the same issue today. But in my C:\ProgramData\Package Cache folder there was only one eftools.msi file. I installed it. Still the template was missing. Then I installed the same msi file again with repair option. Then the template appeared.
Firstly you can add ClassLibrary in your Solution. Then, Add New Item to ClassLibrary and you can add Data>ADO.NET Entity Data Model
If you have installed the new EFTools6.1.3ForVS2013.msi, and then uninstalled it, it removes the ADO.net Entity Model option. Microsoft never puts the old version back. Thank you Hainesy.