I want to speak to a soap service that has a date parameter which is required to be the CCYYMMDD
What is its definition?
It's just another way of writing yyyyMMdd
The CC
part represents the century, while YY
is the two-digit year.
So instead of having year 2014, you can use century 21, year 14
yyyy CC YY
2014 -> 21 14
We are in century 21; not century 20. But they mean to write the year in a 4 digit format, so technically is yyyy. So technically ccyy is wrong. So if you are born in 1990, using the ccyy format is 2090, since 1990 is in the 20th century. But if you have to write a year, you have to assume that they are asking for yyyy, not ccyy. So for example, if you are born in 1990, and they ask you in ccyy, do not write 2090 (although technically is correct) instead write 1990. Assume they want the year in 4 digit format, not the century and 2 digit format year.
It means yyyyMMdd, as in year (4 digits), month (2 digits, leading zero) and day (2 digits, leading zero).
So the ISO 8601 date 2014-01-05
is represented as CCYYMMDD as 20140105
CC means Century (but not as in 20th century)
YY means Year
MM means Month
DD means Day
So for current date: 29/10/2015
CC : 20
YY : 15
MM : 10
DD : 29
CC in CCYYMMDD date format indicates how many centuries are finished for particular year
So CCYY is equal to YYYY but in another way of writing