I have the below requirement but am not able to decide on the approach to take:
I need to write data to a fixed format out put file where each record spans over mult
you can do it in CustomExtractor.
for Example:
public Object[] extract(T item) {
List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>();
BeanWrapper bw = new BeanWrapperImpl(item);
for (String propertyName : this.names) {
values.add( bw.getPropertyValue(propertyName) + "\r\n");
return values.toArray();
there is a multiline records writer example in the official spring-batch-samples, search for multiline.xml
and MultiLineTradeItemWriter
its basically the usual delegate principle, you just need a proper domain object with supposable a list of those 1..n intermediate lines
public class MultiLineTradeItemWriter implements ItemWriter<Trade>, ItemStream {
private FlatFileItemWriter<String> delegate;
public void write(List<? extends Trade> items) throws Exception {
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Trade t : items) {
lines.add("INFO," + t.getIsin() + "," + t.getCustomer());
lines.add("AMNT," + t.getQuantity() + "," + t.getPrice());
I had a similar problem writing multiple rows to a database. Because the job step will create a List of your items, how can you return a List from the processer to the writer? That would create a List of Lists, and the doWrite method in the Writer is not set up to handle that scenario.
I am using the 1.2.0 spring-boot-starter-parent (which gives me spring-core 4.1.3) along with hibernate (4.3.7), In my case I have 'receivables', and for every 1 receivable that I read from a csv file, I then might need to update or insert many receivables into my table. I am also using HibernateItemWriter.
My solution was to extend the HibernateItemWriter. The sessionFactory field is private, so I am passing it via the constructor and also using the setter (to accomadate the existing code). So my original code (which works fine for a single 'receivable') originally looked like this:
public ItemWriter<Receivable> recivableWriter() {
HibernateItemWriter<Receivable> hibernateItemWriter = new HibernateItemWriter<Receivable>(){{ setSessionFactory(sessionFactory); }};
return hibernateItemWriter;
After extending the HibernateItemWriter, and modifying my processor to return a List, my code changed to:
public ItemWriter<List<Receivable>> receivableWriter() {
HibernateListItemWriter<List<Receivable>> hibernateItemWriter = new HibernateListItemWriter<List<Receivable>>(this.sessionFactory){{ setSessionFactory(sessionFactory); }};
return hibernateItemWriter;
And my extended class looks like this (I might clean it up but this is my initial pass. I also wish the sessionFactory and clearSession fields were not private)
package com.work;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
public class HibernateListItemWriter<Receivable> extends org.springframework.batch.item.database.HibernateItemWriter<Receivable> {
public HibernateListItemWriter(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
private boolean clearSession = true;
public void write(List items) {
List<Receivable> unwrappedItems = new ArrayList<Receivable>();
List<List<Receivable>> wrappedItems = (List<List<Receivable>>)items;
for (List<Receivable> singleList: wrappedItems) {
doWrite(sessionFactory, unwrappedItems);
if(clearSession) {
Big shout out to grepcode.com for making life easier.