I am learning how to use the Python multiprocessing library. However, while I am going through some of the examples, I ended up with many python processes running in my back
You need to .join()
on your processes in a worker Queue, which will lock them to the calling application until all of them succeed or kill when the parent is killed, and run them in daemon mode.
end daemon processes with multiprocessing module
The answer pointed by Blake VandeMerwe is listed and explained below hope could be helpful for other users:
Original Author:
kill -9 `ps -ef | grep test.py | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
"ps -ef": show all the processes including those without controlling terminals, which are exactly the countless processes generated by MULTIPROCESSING library.
"grep test.py": find all the processes which are generated by this script, which is the name of my python script.
"grep -v grep": excluded the grep operation itself from the 'killing list'
"awk '{print $2}'": using AWK to separate every single records into row and print out the second row which in this case, are the process id colum.
"kill -9" is force kill process, arguments should be UID. The complete output of previous steps are put together by "`", which is the character on the left of number 1 on regular keyboard. which treat them as a variable and pass the value to kill.