I am trying to write a DateTimeFormatter
that will allow me to take in multiple different String
formats, and then convert the String
What you're asking is not possible.
is a final
class, so you cannot subclass it to implement your own behavior.
The constructor is package-private, so you can't call it yourself. The only way to create a DateTimeFormatter
is by using a DateTimeFormatterBuilder
. Note that the static
helper methods for creating a DateTimeFormatter
are internally using DateTimeFormatterBuilder
, e.g.
public static DateTimeFormatter ofPattern(String pattern) {
return new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendPattern(pattern).toFormatter();
is also a final
class, and cannot be subclassed, and it doesn't provide any methods for supplying multiple alternate formats to use, like you want.
In short, DateTimeFormatter
is closed and cannot be extended. If your code can only use a DateTimeFormatter
, then you are out of luck.
The Answer by Andreas is correct and should be accepted.
As an alternative, you can simply test the length of your string and apply one of two formatters.
DateTimeFormatter fDateOnly = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "MM/dd/uuuu" ) ;
DateTimeFormatter fDateTime = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME ;
LocalDate ld = null ;
if( input.length() == 10 ) {
try {
ld = LocalDate.parse( input , fDateOnly ) ;
} catch (DateTimeParseException e ) {
} else if ( input.length() == 19 ) {
try {
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.parse( input , fDateTime ) ;
ld = ldt.toLocalDate() ;
} catch (DateTimeParseException e ) {
} else {
// Received unexpected input.
String output = ld.format( fDateOnly ) ;
Be aware that you can let java.time automatically localize when generating a string representing the value of your date-time rather than hard-code a specific format. See DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate.
The parsing part can be written, and has been added in the ThreeTen-Extra library. The relevant code is here and is included below for clarity. The key trick is using parseUnresolved()
to find out which format is correct:
public static <T> T parseFirstMatching(CharSequence text, TemporalQuery<T> query, DateTimeFormatter... formatters) {
Objects.requireNonNull(text, "text");
Objects.requireNonNull(query, "query");
Objects.requireNonNull(formatters, "formatters");
if (formatters.length == 0) {
throw new DateTimeParseException("No formatters specified", text, 0);
if (formatters.length == 1) {
return formatters[0].parse(text, query);
for (DateTimeFormatter formatter : formatters) {
try {
ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);
formatter.parseUnresolved(text, pp);
int len = text.length();
if (pp.getErrorIndex() == -1 && pp.getIndex() == len) {
return formatter.parse(text, query);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
// should not happen, but ignore if it does
throw new DateTimeParseException("Text '" + text + "' could not be parsed", text, 0);
Unfortunately, there is no way to write a single DateTimeFormatter
that supports flexible parsing and prints using a specific output format as per Joda-Time.
I've tested this with JDK 1.8.0_131 for Mac OS X and JDK 1.8.0111 for Windows (both worked).
I've created a DateTimeFormatter
with optional sections (delimited by []
), to parse both cases (MM/dd/yyyy
and yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
The same formatter worked for your case (LocalDate
), but there are some considerations below.
// parse both formats (use optional section, delimited by [])
DateTimeFormatter parser = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("[MM/dd/yyyy][yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss]");
// parse MM/dd/yyyy
LocalDate d1 = LocalDate.parse("10/16/2016", parser);
// parse yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
LocalDate d2 = LocalDate.parse("2016-10-16T10:20:30", parser);
// parser.format(d1) is the same as d1.format(parser)
The output is:
PS: this works only with LocalDate
. If I try to format an object with time fields (like LocalDateTime
), both formats are used:
This prints:
Note that it formatted with both patterns. My guess is that the formatter checks if the object has the fields in each optional section. As the LocalDate
has no time fields (hour/minute/second), the second pattern fails and it prints only the first one (MM/dd/yyyy
). But the LocalDateTime
has all the time fields, and both patterns are valid, so both are used to format.
My conclusion is: this isn't a general solution (like the Joda-Time's version), it's more like a "lucky" case where the patterns involved created the desired situation. But I wouldn't rely on that for all cases.
Anyway, if you are only using LocalDate
, you can try to use this code. But if you're working with another types, then you'll probably have to use another formatter for the output, like this:
// parser/formatter for month/day/year
DateTimeFormatter mdy = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM/dd/yyyy");
// parser for both patterns
DateTimeFormatter parser = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
// optional MM/dd/yyyy
// optional yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss (use built-in formatter)
// create formatter
// parse MM/dd/yyyy
LocalDate d1 = LocalDate.parse("10/16/2016", parser);
// parse yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
LocalDate d2 = LocalDate.parse("2016-10-16T10:20:30", parser);
// use mdy to format
// format object with time fields: using mdy formatter to avoid multiple pattern problem
The output is: