ArrayBlockingQueue uses a single lock for insertion and removal but LinkedBlockingQueue uses 2 separate locks

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-09 06:22

I was going through the source code of ArrayBlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingQueue. LinkedBlockingQueue has a putLock and a takeLock for insertion and removal respectively bu

  • 2020-12-09 06:35

    2 locks are used in LBQ to restrict access to head and lock concurrently. The head lock disallows two elements from being removed concurrently and tail lock disallows two elements from being concurrently added to the queue. the two lock together prevent races.

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  • 2020-12-09 06:36

    ArrayBlockingQueue has to avoid overwriting entries so that it needs to know where the start and the end is. A LinkedBlockQueue doesn't need to know this as it lets the GC worry about cleaning up Nodes in the queue.

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  • 2020-12-09 06:43

    I think its possible for ABQ to borrow the same idea as LBQ. Please refer to my code and a similar question i asked on SO ArrayBlockingQueue: concurrent put and take.

    The reason why they didn't used it, is mainly because of the complexity in implementation especially iterators and trade off between complexity and performance gain was not that lucrative.

    For more reference please have a look at .

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  • 2020-12-09 06:47

    I was wondering why ArrayBlockingQueue doesn't borrow the same idea and use 2 locks instead.

    Because the ArrayBlockingQueue uses a much simpler data structure to hold the queue items.

    The ArrayBlockingQueue stores its data in one private final E[] items; array. For multiple threads to deal with this same storage space, either if adding or dequeuing, they have to use the same lock. This is not only because of memory barrier but because of mutex protection since they are modifying the same array.

    LinkedBlockingQueue on the other hand is a linked list of queue elements that is completely different and allows for the ability to have a dual lock. It is the internal storage of the elements in the queue that enabled the different lock configurations.

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