I have an app that uses the \"task:scheduler\" and \"task:scheduled-tasks\" elements (the latter containing \"task:scheduled\" elements). This is all working fine.
I have a snippet for pre spring 4.2 since it is still sitting at release candidate level.
The scheduledFuture interface is implemented by every runnable element in the BlockingQueue.
Map<String, ThreadPoolTaskScheduler> schedulers = applicationContext
for (ThreadPoolTaskScheduler scheduler : schedulers.values()) {
ScheduledExecutorService exec = scheduler.getScheduledExecutor();
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor poolExec = scheduler
BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = poolExec.getQueue();
Iterator<Runnable> iter = queue.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ScheduledFuture<?> future = (ScheduledFuture<?>) iter.next();
Runnable job = iter.next();
logger.debug(MessageFormat.format(":: Task Class is {0}", JobDiscoverer.findRealTask(job)));
Heres a reflective way to get information about which job class is in the pool as threadPoolNamePrefix didn't return a distinct name for me:
public class JobDiscoverer {
private final static Field syncInFutureTask;
private final static Field callableInFutureTask;
private static final Class<? extends Callable> adapterClass;
private static final Field runnableInAdapter;
private static Field reschedulingRunnable;
private static Field targetScheduledMethod;
static {
try {
reschedulingRunnable = Class
targetScheduledMethod = Class
callableInFutureTask = Class.forName(
syncInFutureTask = FutureTask.class.getDeclaredField("sync");
adapterClass = Executors.callable(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
runnableInAdapter = adapterClass.getDeclaredField("task");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new PiaRuntimeException(e);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new PiaRuntimeException(e);
public static Object findRealTask(Runnable task) {
if (task instanceof FutureTask) {
try {
Object syncAble = syncInFutureTask.get(task);
Object callable = callableInFutureTask.get(syncAble);
if (adapterClass.isInstance(callable)) {
Object reschedulable = runnableInAdapter.get(callable);
Object targetable = reschedulingRunnable.get(reschedulable);
return targetScheduledMethod.get(targetable);
} else {
return callable;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
throw new ClassCastException("Not a FutureTask");
Every Spring XML element has a corresponding BeanDefinitionReader. For <task:scheduled-tasks>
, that's ScheduledTasksBeanDefinitionParser.
This uses a BeanDefinitionBuilder
to create a BeanDefinition
for a bean of type ContextLifecycleScheduledTaskRegistrar. Your scheduled tasks will be stored in that bean.
The tasks will be executing in either a default TaskScheduler
or one you provided.
I've given you the class names so you can look at the source code yourself if you need more fine grained details.
With @Scheduled
based configuration the approach from Tobias M’s answer does not work out-of-the-box.
Instead of autowiring a ScheduledTaskRegistrar
instance (which is not available for annotation based configuration), you can instead autowire a ScheduledTaskHolder
which only has a getScheduledTasks()
The ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
used to manage @Scheduled
tasks has an internal ScheduledTaskRegistrar
that’s not available as a bean. It does implement ScheduledTaskHolder
, though.
This functionality will be available in Spring 4.2
https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-12748 (Disclaimer: I reported this issue and contributed code towards its solution).
// Warning there may be more than one ScheduledTaskRegistrar in your
// application context. If this is the case you can autowire a list of
// ScheduledTaskRegistrar instead.
private ScheduledTaskRegistrar scheduledTaskRegistrar;
public List<Task> getScheduledTasks() {
List<Task> result = new ArrayList<Task>();
return result;
// You can this inspect the tasks,
// so for example a cron task can be inspected like this:
public List<CronTask> getScheduledCronTasks() {
List<CronTask> cronTaskList = this.scheduledTaskRegistrar.getCronTaskList();
for (CronTask cronTask : cronTaskList) {
return cronTaskList;
If you are using a ScheduledMethodRunnable defined in XML:
<task:scheduled method="run" cron="0 0 12 * * ?" ref="MyObject" />
You can access the underlying target object:
ScheduledMethodRunnable scheduledMethodRunnable = (ScheduledMethodRunnable) task.getRunnable();
TargetClass target = (TargetClass) scheduledMethodRunnable.getTarget();