I\'m trying to enable service to service auth using AAD tokens. My plan is to validate \"groups\" claim in the token to make sure the caller is a member of a security group
doesn't make clear you cannot use Application's ObjectId
as the RefObjectId
, absolutely you cannot use it.
You cannot add an application as a member of Azure AD group neither.
For example, we will create group1 for readers and group2 for writers. Then based on "groups" claim, I will figure out the right access level.
Currently, you can add a service principal to an AAD Group:
$spn = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString "yourSpName"
$group = Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString "yourGroupName"
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $($group.ObjectId) -RefObjectId $($spn.ObjectId)
Recently, I also see lots of users want to assign roles to a service principal to let the service principal have some permissions to access to the app with a role.
I want to make clear here. Role-based authorized should be used for users, NOT applications. And it's not designed for applications. If you want to give some different permissions you may consider to assign application permissions to your service principal instead.
You can expose your Web App/API with application permissions by editing the Manifest in app registrations.
You can go to Azure portal > Azure Active Directory > App registrations > Select your App > Manifest.
In appRoles
, you can insert content like this:
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"displayName": "Access to the settings data",
"id": "c20e145e-5459-4a6c-a074-b942bbd4cfe1",
"isEnabled": true,
"description": "Administrators can access to the settings data in their tenant",
"value": "Settingsdata.ReadWrite.All"
Then, you can go another app registration you want to give permission > Settings > require permissions > Add > Search the application name you want to access > Choose the application permission you created before.
Therefore, your sp can obtain a token with that application permissions in token claims.
Also, for authorization from the resource, you need to add code logic to give control policy for that token with Settingsdata.ReadWrite.All
Currently, you can add the service principal to one AAD Group directly in Azure portal: