my current project is a html website that contains a dropdown menu (javascript/jquery) and a html5 videoplayer (video-tag only).
When clicking on a menu entry, the d
explanation: the html5 video player absorbs the touch events if controls are enabled.
background: the menu overlayed the video container when dropped down, but the menu item links were not clickable.
solution: as a workaround i temporarily disable the controls by removing the html video attribute "controls" with javascript when the menu is dropped down, and re-add the "controls" attribute when the menu is dropped up again.
Changing the attribute doesn't always work. I've found changing the video's opacity to 0 works, if you can get away with it.
Hello I am trying to resolve this with a YouTube Video Embed that is using the iframe method to apply this fix.
However I cannot change the controls property on the native HTML5 Video element as it is in an iFrame on YouTube.
I even tried targeting the video element in the iFrame, but this is not allowed I found out due to 'same domain' policy preventing me to manipulate the contents of the video in the iFrame.
$(document).on('click', 'span.close', function(){
var button = $(this);
var video = button.parent('.videowrap');
var iframe = video.find("iframe");
var iframeVideo = iframe.contents().find("video");
console.log('iframe', iframe);
console.log('iframeVideo', iframeVideo);
console.log('iframeVideo prop controls', iframeVideo.prop("controls"));
if (iframeVideo.prop("controls")) {
iframeVideo.prop("controls", false);
iframeVideo.css("opacity", 0);
I tried just removing the controls and then add them again, but works only on iPad, on iPhone was the same thing. This is the code that worked
$("video").prop("controls", false);
$("video").css("opacity", 0);
$("video").prop("controls", true);
$("video").css("opacity", 1);
Your explanation & solution are correct. For someone interested in some code to disable the controls on the menu dropdown:
$('#menu-dropdown').click(function() {
if ($("video:visible")) {
if ($("video").prop("controls")) {
$("video").prop("controls", false);
} else {
$("video").prop("controls", true)
Hope this helps!