I\'m using Flask-SQLAlchemy, and I\'m trying to write a hybrid method in a parent model that returns the number of children it has, so I can use it for filtering, sorting, e
I think you can just use plain ol' len and hybrid_property to get the count:
def child_count(self):
return len(self.children)
From the doc, that looks like it'd do the trick, unless I'm missing something?
duggars = db.session.query(Parent).filter(Parent.child_count > 17)
The code below shows it all.
class Parent(Base):
__tablename__ = 'parents'
# ...
def child_count(self):
#return len(self.children) # @note: use when non-dynamic relationship
return self.children.count()# @note: use when dynamic relationship
def child_count(cls):
return (select([func.count(Child.child_id)]).
where(Child.parent_id == cls.parent_id).
def child_count_ex(self, stime, etime):
return len([_child for _child in self.children
if stime <= _child.time <= etime ])
def child_count_ex(cls, stime, etime):
return (select([func.count(Child.child_id)]).
where(Child.parent_id == cls.parent_id).
where(Child.time >= stime).
where(Child.time <= etime).
# usage of expressions:
stime, etime = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 31)
qry = session.query(Parent)
#qry = qry.filter(Parent.child_count > 2)
qry = qry.filter(Parent.child_count_ex(stime, etime) > 0)