Also inspired by Akarun's answer, the following function will turn to links only the text that is not already a link. The added functionality is checking that a link with the captured text link doesn't already exists in the target string:
function make_links_from_http($content) {
// Links out of text links
preg_match_all('!(((f|ht)tp(s)?://)[-a-zA-Zа-яА-Я()0-9@:%_+.~#?&;//=]+)!i', $content, $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as $key=>$link) {
if (!preg_match('!<a(.*)'.$link.'(.*)/a>!i', $content))
$content = str_replace($link, '<a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">'.$link.'</a>', $content);
return $content;
By testing, I noticed that the above function fails on line #5. A "messier" function that does the job is the following:
function make_links_from_http($content)
// The link list
$links = array();
// Links out of text links
preg_match_all('!(((f|ht)tp(s)?://)[-a-zA-Zа-яА-Я()0-9@:%_+.~#?&;//=]+)!i', $content, $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as $key=>$link)
$links[$link] = $link;
// Get existing
preg_match_all('/<a\s[^>]*href=([\"\']??)([^\" >]*?)\\1[^>]*>(.*)<\/a>/siU', $content, $matches);
foreach ($matches[2] as $key=>$value)
if (isset($links[$value]))
// Replace in content
foreach ($links as $key=>$link)
$content = str_replace($link, '<a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">'.$link.'</a>', $content);
return $content;
For the new code, I have used the tutorial at: