In my controller of webpage 1, I want to redirect to Webpage 2, passing 2 variables.
I tried using RedirectToRoute, but cannot get it to work; wrong URL is displayed
Omit parameter defaults to make parameters required:
"CreateAdditionalPreviousNames", // Route name
"Users/{controller}/{action}/{userId}/{applicantId}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "UsersAdditionalPreviousNames", action = "Index" }
For route redirect, try this:
return RedirectToRoute(new
controller = "UsersAdditionalPreviousNames",
action = "Index",
userId = user.Id,
applicantId = applicant.Id
Another habit I picked up from Steve Sanderson is not naming your routes. Each route can have a null name, which makes you specify all parameters explicitly:
null, // Route name
"Users/{controller}/{action}/{userId}/{applicantId}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "UsersAdditionalPreviousNames", action = "Index" }