Is there any easy way or any standard library method to convert a Kotlin data class object to a map/dictionary of it\'s properties by property names? Can reflection be avoid
The closest you can get is with delegated properties stored in a map.
Example (from link):
class User(val map: Map<String, Any?>) {
val name: String by map
val age: Int by map
Using this with data classes may not work very well, however.
I was using the jackson method, but turns out the performance of this is terrible on Android for first serialization (github issue here). And its dramatically worse for older android versions, (see benchmarks here)
But you can do this much faster with Gson. Conversion in both directions shown here:
val gson = Gson()
//convert a data class to a map
fun <T> T.serializeToMap(): Map<String, Any> {
return convert()
//convert a map to a data class
inline fun <reified T> Map<String, Any>.toDataClass(): T {
return convert()
//convert an object of type I to type O
inline fun <I, reified O> I.convert(): O {
val json = gson.toJson(this)
return gson.fromJson(json, object : TypeToken<O>() {}.type)
//example usage
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
fun main() {
val person = Person("Tom Hanley", 99)
val map = mapOf(
"name" to "Tom Hanley",
"age" to 99
val personAsMap: Map<String, Any> = person.serializeToMap()
val mapAsPerson: Person = map.toDataClass()
@Tom Hanley
I tried your solution in the following code:
package tmp
val gson = Gson()
//convert a data class to a map
fun <T> T.serializeToMap(): Map<String, Any> {
return convert()
//convert a map to a data class
inline fun <reified T> Map<String, Any>.toDataClass(): T {
return convert()
//convert an object of type I to type O
inline fun <I, reified O> I.convert(): O {
val json = gson.toJson(this)
return gson.fromJson(json, object : TypeToken<O>() {}.type)
fun main() {
//example usage
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
val person = Person("Tom Hanley", 99)
val map = mapOf(
"name" to "Tom Hanley",
"age" to 99
val personAsMap: Map<String, Any> = person.serializeToMap()
val mapAsPerson: Person = map.toDataClass()
When executed I got two nulls in the console. I used Kotlin 1.4 and Gson 2.8.6. I am rather new to Kotlin and perhaps I am doing an error somewhere.
Kpropmap is a reflection-based library that attempts to make working with Kotlin data classes and Maps easier. It has the following capabilities that are relevant:
data class Foo(val a: Int, val b: Int)
// Data class to Map
val propMap = propMapOf(foo)
// Map to data class
val foo1 = propMap.deserialize<Foo>()
Can read and write Map
data in a type-safe way by using the data class KProperty
's for type information.
Given a data class and a Map, can do other neat things like detect changed values and extraneous Map keys that don't have corresponding data class properties.
Represent "partial" data classes (kind of like lenses). For example, say your backend model contains a Foo
with 3 required immutable properties represented as val
s. However, you want to provide an API to patch Foo
instances. As it is a patch, the API consumer will only send the updated properties. The REST API layer for this obviously cannot deserialize directly to the Foo
data class, but it can accept the patch as a Map
. Use kpropmap to validate that the Map has the correct types, and apply the changes from the Map
to a copy of the model instance:
data class Foo(val a: Int, val b: Int, val c: Int)
val f = Foo(1, 2, 3)
val p = propMapOf("b" to 5)
val f1 = p.applyProps(f) // f1 = Foo(1, 5, 3)
Disclaimer: I am the author.
I have the same use case today for testing and ended up i have used Jackson object mapper to convert Kotlin data class into Map. The runtime performance is not a big concern in my case. I haven't checked in details but I believe it's using reflection under the hood but it's out of concern as happened behind the scene.
For Example,
val dataclass = DataClass(p1 = 1, p2 = 2)
val dataclassAsMap = objectMapper.convertValue(dataclass, object:
TypeReference<Map<String, Any>>() {})
//expect dataclassAsMap == mapOf("p1" to 1, "p2" to 2)
This extension function uses reflection, but maybe it'll help someone like me coming across this in the future:
inline fun <reified T : Any> T.asMap() : Map<String, Any?> {
val props = T::class.memberProperties.associateBy { }
return props.keys.associateWith { props[it]?.get(this) }