I wanted to show the user who triggered a Jenkins job in the post job email. This is possible by using the plugin Build User Vars Plugin and the env variable
METHOD 1: Via Shell
BUILD_TRIGGER_BY=$(curl -k --silent ${BUILD_URL}/api/xml | tr '<' '\n' | egrep '^userId>|^userName>' | sed 's/.*>//g' | sed -e '1s/$/ \//g' | tr '\n' ' ')
METHOD 2: Via Groovy
node('master') {
BUILD_TRIGGER_BY = sh ( script: "BUILD_BY=\$(curl -k --silent ${BUILD_URL}/api/xml | tr '<' '\n' | egrep '^userId>|^userName>' | sed 's/.*>//g' | sed -e '1s/\$/ \\/ /g'); if [[ -z \${BUILD_BY} ]]; then BUILD_BY=\$(curl -k --silent ${BUILD_URL}/api/xml | tr '<' '\n' | grep '^shortDescription>' | sed 's/.*user //g;s/.*by //g'); fi; echo \${BUILD_BY}", returnStdout: true ).trim()
METHOD 3: Via Groovy
BUILD_TRIGGER_BY = "${currentBuild.getBuildCauses()[0].shortDescription} / ${currentBuild.getBuildCauses()[0].userId}"
Started by user Admin / user@example.com
Note: Output will be both User ID and User Name
Just to elaborate on Musaffir Lp's answer. The Conditional Build Step plugin now supports the Build Cause directly - it requires the Run Condition Plugin also.
If you wanted to detect when the build was started by a timer you can select a Run? value of Build Cause, with Build Cause of: TimerTrigger
This is a little simpler and more robust than using a regex. There are also other triggers you can detect, for example when the build was a result of Source Control Management commit, you can select: SCMTrigger.
This below is working for me.
Install "user build vars plugin"
I found similar but really working on Jenkins 2.1.x and easy for my understanding way. And it works without any plugins.
if (currentBuild.getBuildCauses('hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause')['userId']){
// Will be run only if someone user triggers build
// Because in other cases this contructions returns null
You can use in this construction any classes described here. They will be returns maps with usable values.
I wanted to trigger build initiator info to one of my slack/flock group so I used following way to get build initiator email and name by writing in Declarative fashion .
I am just printing here, you can use to store in some environment variable or write in one file giving file path according to your own convenience..
pipeline {
environment {
agent any
sh 'echo $(git show -s --pretty=%ae)'
sh 'echo $(git show -s --pretty=%an)'
This gets the username who clicked "Build Now" in a Jenkins pipeline job.
def getBuildUser() {
return currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(Cause.UserIdCause).getUserId()