This problem is making me feel like an absolute noob.
Here is the head of my .html file:
Copy the css file's url and paste it into your browser. If it doesn't load the file than you know the problem is in the url.
I had the same problem - I changed my text encoding to UTF-16 on my index file and my css file would show up blank when I'd try to load the page in the browser. I figured out by much trial and error that your html and css files have to have the same encoding! I don't know if this would work for you but it did for me.
New one for you Guys !
During my Gulp minification process
<!-- build:css /css/project-mini.css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/splash.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/header.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/print.css" media="print"/>
<!-- endbuild -->
Last CSS file was for print and the generated output gave me
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/project-mini.css" media="print"/>
So because of media="print" all CSS rules were skipped !
I had the same problem, and I used the UTF-8 coding for both of my files as follows:
add @charset "UTF-8";
in CSS file and <meta charset="UTF-8">
under <head>
tag in HTML file.
and it worked for me.
it makes the same encoding for both the files i.e HTML and CSS.
You can also do the same for "UTF-16" encoding.
If it is still not working check for the <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/>
under <head>
tag in HTML File where you should mention type="text/css"
Are you sure the stylesheet is loaded? You can see it using the "Net" tab of Firebug on firefox, or on "Network" tab of the Console of your browser.
(If 1 works) can you have a simple sample style and see whether this is getting applied (and visible in the console)?
I was facing the same problem, but the reason was the styling in the css is wrapped in an ID that is not exist
#navi ul{
color: red;
the #navi
selector is nowhere in the HTML because i forgot to add it before writing the CSS.
in my case I worked with Less file so I nested it like this
I hope this help to re-check when things doesn't work
- 热议问题