I need to check if an exception is caused by some database problem. I receive an Exception and check if its cause contains the \"ORA\" string and return that (something like
In the interests of not reinventing the wheel, if you're using Apache Commons Lang, then look at ExceptionUtils.getRootCause().
Is it worth including a library just for that? Maybe not. But if you already have it on your classpath, it's there for you, and note that it does some things that a 'naive' implementation might not do (e.g. deal with cycles in the cause chain... ugh!)
One line solution using core Java API:
try {
i = 1 / 0;
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
System.out.println(new ArithmeticException().initCause(e).getCause());
One more solution below works as well:
try {
i = 1 / 0;
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
System.out.println(new Exception().initCause(e).getCause());
Both of them will print
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
If the exception being thrown is always going to be of a specific type, like OracleException, you can catch just that exception.
For example:
try {
} catch(OracleException oe) {
This would only apply if there are specific Oracle exceptions being thrown. I don't know much about Oracle, so before attempting this you will probably want to find out if that's what's happening.
You could improve your code checking for SQLException
import java.sql.SQLException;
private static final String ORACLE = "ORA";
public String doHandle(Throwable t) {
if (t.getClass().isAssignableFrom(SQLException.class)) {
SQLException e = (SQLException) t;
int errCode = e.getErrorCode();
String state = e.getSQLState();
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg.contains(ORACLE)) {
return msg;
} else {
if (t.getCause() != null) {
return this.doHandle(t.getCause());
return "";
Also, I think in Oracle "errCode" contains the number associated to ORA-nnnn
on 28-01-2015 , i have unable to solve my problem with any of the above solution, so my recommendation is to use :
Ps: i am using it on android.
Probably a bit overkill for your usage but I think it is cleaner (and reusable)
interface ThrowablePredicate {
boolean accept(Throwable t);
public OracleErrorThrowablePredicate implements ThrowablePredicate {
private static final ORA_ERR = "ORA";
public boolean accept(Throwable t) {
return t.toString().contains(ORA_ERR);
public class CauseFinder {
private ThrowablePredicate predicate;
public CauseFinder(ThrowablePredicate predicate) {
this.predicate = predicate;
Throwable findCause(Throwable t) {
Throwable cause = t.getCause();
return cause == null ? null
: predicate.accept(cause) ? cause : findCause(cause)
// Your method
private String getErrorOracle(Throwable e){
return new CauseFinder(new OracleErrorThrowablePredicate()).findCause(e);