URL normalization (or URL canonicalization) is the process by which URLs are modified and standardized in a consistent manner. The goal of the normalization p
Have you taken a look at the URI class?
In Java, normalize parts of a URL
Example of a URL: https://i0.wp.com:55/lplresearch.com/wp-content/feb.png?ssl=1&myvar=2#myfragment
protocol: https
domain name: i0.wp.com
subdomain: i0
port: 55
path: /lplresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/feb.png?ssl=1
query: ?ssl=1"
parameters: &myvar=2
fragment: #myfragment
Code to do the URL parsing:
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
public class regex {
public static String getProtocol(String the_url){
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^(http|https|smtp|ftp|file|pop)://.*");
Matcher m = p.matcher(the_url);
return m.group(1);
public static String getParameters(String the_url){
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*(\\?[-a-zA-Z0-9_.@!$&''()*+,;=]+)(#.*)*$");
Matcher m = p.matcher(the_url);
return m.group(1);
public static String getFragment(String the_url){
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*(#.*)$");
Matcher m = p.matcher(the_url);
return m.group(1);
public static void main(String[] args){
String the_url =
"https://i0.wp.com:55/lplresearch.com/" +
You can then push and pull on the parts of the URL until they are up to muster.