wrap long text in kable table column

前端 未结 2 1738
南笙 2020-12-09 01:37

I would like wrap long text in my kable table. Here is a simple example of a table with column text that is too long and needs to be wrapped for the table to fit on the page

  • 2020-12-09 02:10

    An alternative solution other than the awesome pander package is to use column_spec in kableExtra. In this case, the following code will do the trick.

    kable(test, "latex") %>%
      column_spec(1, width = "10em")
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-09 02:12

    I've created the pander package to produce markdown tables in a flexible way. By default, it will split cells with long string to 30 chars, but there are a bunch of global options and fn arguments to override that, enable hyphenation and other tweaks. Quick demo:

    > pander::pander(test)
                  v1                v2 
    ------------------------------ ----
    This is a long string. This is  1  
    a long string. This is a long      
    string. This is a long string.     
        This is a long string.         
    This is a another long string.  2  
    This is a another long string.     
    This is a another long string.     
    This is a another long string.     
    This is a another long string.     
    > pander::pander(test, split.cell = 80, split.table = Inf)
                                          v1                                         v2 
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
    This is a long string. This is a long string. This is a long string. This is a   1  
                          long string. This is a long string.                           
    This is a another long string. This is a another long string. This is a another  2  
      long string. This is a another long string. This is a another long string.        
    0 讨论(0)