I am trying to check to see if a view is displayed with Espresso. Here is some pseudo code to show what I am trying:
if (!Espresso.onView(withId(R.id.someID)
We need that functionality and I ended up implementing it below:
if(onView(withText("click OK to Continue")).exists()){
} else {
I hope it is useful for you.
I think to mimic UIAutomator you can do this:
(Though, I suggest rethinking your approach to have no conditions.)
ViewInteraction view = onView(withBlah(...)); // supports .inRoot(...) as well
if (exists(view)) {
public static boolean exists(ViewInteraction interaction) {
try {
interaction.perform(new ViewAction() {
@Override public Matcher<View> getConstraints() {
return any(View.class);
@Override public String getDescription() {
return "check for existence";
@Override public void perform(UiController uiController, View view) {
// no op, if this is run, then the execution will continue after .perform(...)
return true;
} catch (AmbiguousViewMatcherException ex) {
// if there's any interaction later with the same matcher, that'll fail anyway
return true; // we found more than one
} catch (NoMatchingViewException ex) {
return false;
} catch (NoMatchingRootException ex) {
// optional depending on what you think "exists" means
return false;
Also exists
without branching can be implemented really simple:
onView(withBlah()).check(exists()); // the opposite of doesNotExist()
public static ViewAssertion exists() {
return matches(anything());
Though most of the time it's worth checking for matches(isDisplayed())