I need to check in string.Endswith(\"\")
from any of the following operators: +,-,*,/
If I have 20 operators I don\'t want to use ||<
Using String.IndexOf(String)
str.Lenght > 0 ? "+-*/".IndexOf(str[str.Lenght - 1]) != -1 : false
If you really want to, you can use De Morgan's laws to replace x || y
in your code. One version says:
!(x || y) == !x && !y
If you want to have the same result, we just need to negate the entire expression twice:
x || y == !!(x || y) == !(!x && !y)
How about:-
string input = .....;
string[] matches = { ...... whatever ...... };
foreach (string match in matches)
if (input.EndsWith(match))
return true;
I know it is dreadfully old school to avoid LINQ in this context, but one day you will need to read this code. I am absolutely sure that LINQ has its uses (maybe i'll find them one day) but i am quite sure it is not meant to replace the four lines of code above.