Use-cases for reflection

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-08 20:34

Recently I was talking to a co-worker about C++ and lamented that there was no way to take a string with the name of a class field and extract the field with that name; in o

  • 2020-12-08 21:17

    I find reflection very useful if the input data (like xml) has a complex structure which is easily mapped to object-instances or i need some kind of "is a" relationship between the instances.

    As reflection is relatively easy in java, I sometimes use it for simple data (key-value maps) where I have a small fixed set of keys. One one hand it's simple to determine if a key is valid (if the class has a setter setKey(String data)), on the other hand i can change the type of the (textual) input data and hide the transformation (e.g simple cast to int in getKey()), so the rest of the application can rely on correctly typed data. If the type of some key-value-pair changes for one object (e.g. form int to float), i only have to change it in the data-object and its users but don't have to keep in mind to check the parser too. This might not be a sensible approach, if performance is an issue...

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  • 2020-12-08 21:20

    Well, in statically-typed languages, you'd want to use reflection any time you need to do something "dynamic". It comes in handy for tooling purposes (scanning the members of an object). In Java it's used in JMX and dynamic proxies quite a bit. And there are tons of one-off cases where it's really the only way to go (pretty much anytime you need to do something the compiler won't let you do).

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  • 2020-12-08 21:21

    There are lot's of times you want to dynamically instantiate and work with objects where the type isn't known until runtime. For example with OR-mappers or in a plugin architecture. Mocking frameworks use it, if you want to write a logging-library and dynamically want to examine type and properties of exceptions.

    If I think a bit longer I can probably come up with more examples.

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