I know that I can use:
gc c:\\FileWithEmptyLines.txt | where {$_ -ne \"\"} > c:\\FileWithNoEmptyLines.txt
to remove empty lines. But How
I found a nice one liner here >> http://www.pixelchef.net/remove-empty-lines-file-powershell. Just tested it out with several blanks lines including newlines only as well as lines with just spaces, just tabs, and combinations.
(gc file.txt) | ? {$_.trim() -ne "" } | set-content file.txt
See the original for some notes about the code. Nice :)
You can't do replacing, you have to replace SOMETHING with SOMETHING, and you neither have both.
PS /home/edward/Desktop>
Get-Content ./copy.txt
[Desktop Entry]
Name=calibre Exec=~/Apps/calibre/calibre
Start by get the content from file and trim the white spaces if any found in each line of the text document. That becomes the object passed to the where-object to go through the array looking at each member of the array with string length greater then 0. That object is passed to replace the content of the file you started with. It would probably be better to make a new file... Last thing to do is reads back the newly made file's content and see your awesomeness.
(Get-Content ./copy.txt).Trim() | Where-Object{$_.length -gt 0} | Set-Content ./copy.txt
Get-Content ./copy.txt
This removes trailing whitespace and blank lines from file.txt
PS C:\Users\> (gc file.txt) | Foreach {$_.TrimEnd()} | where {$_ -ne ""} | Set-Content file.txt
(Get-Content c:\FileWithEmptyLines.txt) |
Foreach { $_ -Replace "Old content", " New content" } |
Set-Content c:\FileWithEmptyLines.txt;
To resolve this with RegEx, you need to use the multiline flag (?m):
((Get-Content file.txt -Raw) -replace "(?m)^\s*`r`n",'').trim() | Set-Content file.txt