Is it possible to get Value out of tuple:
(\'P\', \'Shtg1\'),
(\'R\', u\'Shtg2\'),
(\'D\', \'Shtg3\'),
by calling S
Instead of moving to full dictionaries you can try using a named tuple instead. More information in this question.
Basically you define tags for the fields and then are able to refer to them as value.tag1, etc.
Quoting the docs:
Named tuple instances do not have per-instance dictionaries, so they are lightweight and require no more memory than regular tuples.
The canonical data structure for this type of queries is a dictionary:
In [1]: t = (
...: ('P', 'Shtg1'),
...: ('R', u'Shtg2'),
...: ('D', 'Shtg3'),
...: )
In [2]: d = dict(t)
In [3]: d['P']
Out[3]: 'Shtg1'
If you use a tuple, there is no way to avoid looping (either explicit or implicit).
You want to use a dictionary instead.
d = { 'P': 'Shtg1', 'R': u'Shtg2', 'D':'Shtg3' }
And then you can access the key like so:
d['P'] # Gets 'Shtg1'
will do what you want.
There is a little memory overhead, but it's fast.
To elaborate on Eduardo's answer with some code from the python shell.
>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> MyType = namedtuple('MyType', ['P', 'R', 'D'])
>>> TUPLE = MyType(P='Shtg1', R=u'Shtg2', D='Shtg3')
MyType(P='Shtg1', R=u'Shtg2', D='Shtg3')
>>> TUPLE[0:]
('Shtg1', u'Shtg2', 'Shtg3')
Remember that tuples are immutable, and dictionaries are mutable. If you want immutable types, namedtuple might be the way to go.