So I had updated my XCode to 7.3 today evening.
In one of my projects, I get the following error for few labels where I set the font:
\'(name: String
I had this problem as well. What fixed it for me was to turn off Whole Module Optimization.
Bulid Settings > Swift Compiler - Code Generation > Optimization Level
I had set it to Fastest (Whole Module Optimization). When I set it to None I didn't have this problem anymore. For context, this is a mixed code base with both Objective-C and Swift.
I had the same issue and doing this allows me to compile again:
let descriptor = UIFontDescriptor(name: "OpenSans-Semibold", size: 10.0)
label.font = UIFont(descriptor: descriptor, size: 10.0)
So, use the UIFontDescriptor ...
Also doing this works for me:
if let font = UIFont(name: "OpenSans-Semibold", size: 10) {
label.font = font
Elsewhere on SO, someone suggest that where you have this:
aTitleView.font = UIFont(name: "Roboto-Regular", size: 15) should try writing this:
aTitleView.font = UIFont.init(name: "Roboto-Regular", size: 15)
I can take no credit for this (because I can't reproduce the bug) so I'm just guessing! But it would be very interesting to know if it actually works.