I\'m using Eclipse Juno on MacOSX Lion and have an issue with typing.
I often print one quote/apostrophe and move the caret. But in this Mac version of Eclipse the q
Yes! It's a shame that I didn't know about such a simple thing - but this is because I'm not a mac-maniac, I live on several OSes at once. When I've found out that quote + symbol gives me an accented character I've realized what's happening.
This was very easy:
This 'U.S. International' did all the evil. Some IDE use their own input system, while Eclipse uses common input. This feature is one of those 'little convenient things' (just like smart quotes) which turn my life on mac into nightmare sometimes.
If you are looking to disable auto accents for languages other than U.S. English, I made a workaround solution here: How to prevent the typing of special characters like "~" modifying the next keyboard input?