Currently, our application uses a javax.mail to send email, using javax.mail.MailMessage. We set the From headers of the email this way:
Message msg = new Mi
In case when I used localized text with special characters like \u00FA I had problems with encoding email address alias for some pop3 clients if I'd used just
MimeMessage m = new MimeMessage(session);
It can be resolved by separate email address and alias by invoke:
MimeMessage m = new MimeMessage(session);
m.setFrom(new InternetAddress(session.getProperty("mail.from"), session.getProperty("mail.from.alias"),"UTF8"));
ic = new InitialContext();
final Session session = (Session) ic.lookupLink(snName);
final Properties props = session.getProperties();
props.put("mail.from", mailFrom); //
props.put("mail.from.alias", mailName);//"joao Ninguem"
// Create a message with the specified information.
final MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
msg.setSentDate(new Date());
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(session.getProperty("mail.from"), session.getProperty("mail.from.alias"), "UTF8"));
msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(mailTo, false));
msg.setContent(body, "text/html");
// Create a transport.
If you want to store the email + the name in one string (easier than keeping two string):
Message msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession);
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("Company XYZ <>"));
OK, reading documentation about ALL the classes involved would have been helpful. The correct syntax should be
Message msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession);
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("", "Company XYZ"));