I have a project that connects to a device over Bluetooth. It used to work fairly reliably, but now it fails the BluetoothSocket.connect()
call every time. (W
I know this is kind of an old question. But as I was not able to find any solution on the web, here is a workaround I recently have created: IOException: read failed, socket might closed - Bluetooth on Android 4.3
In my case it was due to bad UUID in createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord()
I want to connect to SPP serial profile in raspberry pi 3 and I used this UUID:
private static final UUID MY_UUID_SECURE =
I found somewhere in android documents' page for SPP.
I had the same problem while connecting to the arduino via bluetooth module.The problem only arised while connecting with arduino as it connected smoothly with another android phone bluetooth. What worked for me was changing the UUID string..
Jellybean has a completely different Bluetooth stack, so version differences could certainly be triggering something, but that in itself wouldn't explain why it stays working or not-working after connecting with an older device. Could it be to do with pairing? If it happens again, try unpairing from the device and pairing again.