How do I robustly parse malformed CSV?

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盖世英雄少女心 2020-12-08 16:29

I\'m processing data from government sources (FEC, state voter databases, etc). It\'s inconsistently malformed, which breaks my CSV parser in all sorts of delightful ways.

  • 2020-12-08 17:03

    I made an app to reformat CSV files, doubling the single quotes inside fields and replacing the new lines inside them with a string like '\n'.

    Once the data is inside the database we can replace back the '\n' to new lines.

    I needed to do this because the apps I had to process CSV does not deal correctly with new lines.

    Feel free to use and change.

    In python:

    import sys
    def ProcessCSV(filename):
        file1 = open(filename, 'r')
        filename2 = filename + '.out'
        file2 = open(filename2, 'w')
        print 'Reformatting {0} to {1}...', filename, filename2
        line1 = file1.readline()
        while (len(line1) > 0):
            line1 = line1.rstrip('\r\n')
            line2 = ''
            count = 0
            lastField = ( len(line1) == 0 )
            while not lastField:
                lastField = (line1.find('","') == -1)
                res = line1.partition('","')
                field = res[0]
                line1 = res[2]
                count = count + 1
                hasStart = False
                hasEnd = False
                if  ( count == 1 )  and  ( field[:1] == '"' ) :
                    field = field[1:]
                    hasStart = True
                elif count > 1:
                    hasStart = True
                while (True):
                    if  ( lastField == True )  and  ( field[-1:] == '"' ) :
                        field = field[:-1]
                        hasEnd = True
                    elif not lastField:
                        hasEnd = True
                    if lastField and not hasEnd:
                        line1 = file1.readline()
                        if (len(line1) == 0): break
                        line1 = line1.rstrip('\r\n')
                        lastField = (line1.find('","') == -1)
                        res = line1.partition('","')
                        field = field + '\\n' + res[0]
                        line1 = res[2]
                field = field.replace('"', '""')
                line2 = line2 + iif(count > 1, ',', '') + iif(hasStart, '"', '') + field + iif(hasEnd, '"', '')
            if len(line2) > 0:
            line1 = file1.readline()
        print 'Done'
    def iif(st, v1, v2):
        if st:
            return v1
            return v2
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    if len(filename) == 0:
        print 'You must specify the input file'


    Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim FileName As String
        FileName = Command()
        If FileName.Length = 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("You must specify the input file")
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub ProcessCSV(ByVal FileName As String)
        Dim File1 As Integer, File2 As Integer
        Dim Line1 As String, Line2 As String
        Dim Field As String, Count As Long
        Dim HasStart As Boolean, HasEnd As Boolean
        Dim FileName2 As String, LastField As Boolean
        On Error GoTo locError
        File1 = FreeFile()
        FileOpen(File1, FileName, OpenMode.Input, OpenAccess.Read)
        FileName2 = FileName & ".out"
        File2 = FreeFile()
        FileOpen(File2, FileName2, OpenMode.Output)
        Console.WriteLine("Reformatting {0} to {1}...", FileName, FileName2)
        Do Until EOF(File1)
            Line1 = LineInput(File1)
            Line2 = ""
            Count = 0
            LastField = (Len(Line1) = 0)
            Do Until LastField
                LastField = (InStr(Line1, """,""") = 0)
                Field = Strip(Line1, """,""")
                Count = Count + 1
                HasStart = False
                HasEnd = False
                If (Count = 1) And (Left$(Field, 1) = """") Then
                    Field = Mid$(Field, 2)
                    HasStart = True
                ElseIf Count > 1 Then
                    HasStart = True
                End If
                If (LastField) And (Right$(Field, 1) = """") Then
                    Field = Left$(Field, Len(Field) - 1)
                    HasEnd = True
                ElseIf Not LastField Then
                    HasEnd = True
                End If
                If LastField And Not HasEnd And Not EOF(File1) Then
                    Line1 = LineInput(File1)
                    LastField = (InStr(Line1, """,""") = 0)
                    Field = Field & "\n" & Strip(Line1, """,""")
                    GoTo locFinal
                End If
                Field = Replace(Field, """", """""")
                Line2 = Line2 & IIf(Count > 1, ",", "") & IIf(HasStart, """", "") & Field & IIf(HasEnd, """", "")
            If Len(Line2) > 0 Then
                PrintLine(File2, Line2)
            End If
        FileClose(File1, File2)
        Exit Sub
        Console.WriteLine("Error: " & Err.Description)
    End Sub
    Function Strip(ByRef Text As String, ByRef Separator As String) As String
        Dim nPos As Long
        nPos = InStr(Text, Separator)
        If nPos > 0 Then
            Strip = Left$(Text, nPos - 1)
            Text = Mid$(Text, nPos + Len(Separator))
            Strip = Text
            Text = ""
        End If
    End Function
    End Module
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  • 2020-12-08 17:08

    First, here is a rather naive attempt:


    The assumptions here are:

    • A field may start with quotes. In which case, it should end with a quote that is either:
      • before a comma
      • before a new line (if it is last field on its line)
      • before the end of the file (if it is last field on the last line)
    • Or, its first character is not a quote, so it contains characters until the same condition as before is met.

    This almost does what you want, but fails on these fields:

    1 comma and

    As TC had pointed out in the comments, your text is ambiguous. I'm sure you already know it, but for completeness:

    • "a" - is that a or "a"? How do you represent a value that you want to be wrapped in quotes?
    • "1","2" - might be parsed as 1,2, or as 1","2 - both are legal.
    • ,1 \n 2, - End of line, or newline in the value? You cannot tell, specially if this is supposed to be the last value of its line.
    • 1 \n 2 \n 3 - One value with newlines? Two values (1\n2,3 or 1,2\n3)? Three values?

    You may be able to get some clues if you examine the first value on each row, which as you have said, should tell you the number of columns and their types - this can give you the additional information you are missing to parse the file (for example, if you know there should another field in this line, then all newlines belong in the current value). Even then though, it looks like there are serious problems here...

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  • 2020-12-08 17:15

    It is possible to subclass Ruby's File to process each line of the the CSV file before it is passed to the Ruby's CSV parser. For example, here's how I used this trick to replace non-standard backslash-escaped quotes \" with standard double-quotes ""

    class MyFile < File
      def gets(*args)
        line = super
        if line != nil
          line.gsub!('\\"','""')  # fix the \" that would otherwise cause a parse error
    infile =
    incsv =
    while row = incsv.shift
      # process each row here

    You could in principle do all sorts of additional processing, e.g. UTF-8 cleanups. The nice thing about this approach is you handle the file on a line by line basis, so you don't need to load it all into memory or create an intermediate file.

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