I\'m not only new to Laravel 4, but new to using frameworks. I thought I\'d start with Laravel since it\'s gotten such good reviews. I\'ve got a good install of Laravel. I g
You need mod_rewrite on. Try: l4/public/index.php/articles
That Error basically say that the router cannot found your request. Make sure you already save your changes. if you using the artisan command to running the page,just re-run again command "artisan Serve".
Problem is solved by two editing changes in apache's httpd.conf file.
AllowOverride None is default. AllowOverride controls whether .htaccess files are processed.
mod_rewrite is commented out by default.
Changes to make:
Change 1: Activate mod_rewrite by uncommenting it.
Change 2:
AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All
Now restart Apache...
The default .htaccess file that Laravel provides in the public folder specified some mod_rewrite rules. These rules were not getting applied because AllowOverride was set to none. Be sure and restart apache after changing these settings. My configuration: Apache 2.4.6 on Windows XP.
It appears that there may be some security implications to the AllowOverride change. If anyone has additional information on this, I would like to hear it.
in httpd.conf change
<Directory />
AllowOverride none
Require all granted
<Directory />
AllowOverride all
Require all granted
then uncomment
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so