I\'m trying to learn to use DataFrames and DataSets more in addition to RDDs. For an RDD, I know I can do someRDD.reduceByKey((x,y) => x + y)
, but I don\'t
A more efficient solution uses mapPartitions
before groupByKey
to reduce the amount of shuffling (note this is not the exact same signature as reduceByKey
but I think it is more flexible to pass a function than require the dataset consist of a tuple).
def reduceByKey[V: ClassTag, K](ds: Dataset[V], f: V => K, g: (V, V) => V)
(implicit encK: Encoder[K], encV: Encoder[V]): Dataset[(K, V)] = {
def h[V: ClassTag, K](f: V => K, g: (V, V) => V, iter: Iterator[V]): Iterator[V] = {
ds.mapPartitions(h(f, g, _))
Depending on the shape/size of your data, this is within 1 second of the performance of reduceByKey
, and about 2x
as fast as a groupByKey(_._1).reduceGroups
. There is still room for improvements, so suggestions would be welcome.
I assume your goal is to translate this idiom to Datasets:
rdd.map(x => (x.someKey, x.someField))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
// => returning an RDD of (KeyType, FieldType)
Currently, the closest solution I have found with the Dataset API looks like this:
ds.map(x => (x.someKey, x.someField)) // [1]
.reduceGroups((a, b) => (a._1, a._2 + b._2))
.map(_._2) // [2]
// => returning a Dataset of (KeyType, FieldType)
// Comments:
// [1] As far as I can see, having a map before groupByKey is required
// to end up with the proper type in reduceGroups. After all, we do
// not want to reduce over the original type, but the FieldType.
// [2] required since reduceGroups converts back to Dataset[(K, V)]
// not knowing that our V's are already key-value pairs.
Doesn't look very elegant and according to a quick benchmark it is also much less performant, so maybe we are missing something here...
Note: An alternative might be to use groupByKey(_.someKey)
as a first step. The problem is that using groupByKey
changes the type from a regular Dataset
to a KeyValueGroupedDataset. The latter does not have a regular map
function. Instead it offers an mapGroups
, which does not seem very convenient because it wraps the values into an Iterator
and performs a shuffle according to the docstring.