I\'m at a complete loss here. I have a project on an external hard drive called LenseProject. Inside LenseProject, I have .idea
, lib
, Natives
I had similar issue. A new dependency was not being found when running tomcat. The problem was it wasn't being deployed to /WEB-INF/lib
. After half a day banging my head on the desk I found this YouTube video that fixed it.
Essentially I needed to add the dependencies from module settings-> artifact->MyWar->Output Layout tab. Under available elements open your projects folder. If there are maven dependencies listed there, select them. Then right click->Put into /WEB-INF/lib
I ran into a similar issue while writing unit tests. Everything would work at the command line but failed in IntelliJ. IntelliJ would successfully compile but not run the test.
Then I ran across a post on IntelliJ's blog: http://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2014/03/intellij-idea-13-1-released/
anet says:
March 21, 2014 at 12:20 pm
You may remove the existing junit dependency and allow IDEA to add JUnit library for your from scratch.
New junit doesn’t bundle hamcrest anymore but still depends on it on runtime.
Thanks, Anna
- See more at: http://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2014/03/intellij-idea-13-1-released/#sthash.2KNQuwZ5.dpuf
I removed JUnit from my project settings and let IntelliJ add it back. Then things worked fine.
I suggest confirming your Run Configuration
as follows:
Toolbar: Run
->Edit Configurations...
, confirm your Configuration is correct.
Hope it helps.
Check your mainClassName
mainClassName = "com.xxx.xxxApplicationKt"