when I run
$ flutter run
I\'m getting a prompt on my mobile device asking if I want to install the app on my device. I give yes, then nothing
In my case problem was with installation of apk. Manual installation of apk works in my case
I removed debug application from Android menu, and then I ran into the same issue. I restarted my phone, but it wasn't very helpful. My solution was to remove the application completely and reinstall it by hand:
Connect to the device with ADB
Use adb uninstall com.example.application.name
Use adb install C:\PathToYourProject\build\app\outputs\apk\app.apk
By the way, in such uneasy scenarios, flutter run --verbose
could provide more detailed information what went wrong.
I closed my emulator and android studio and then restarted it.
I got this issue when I uninstalled the flutter app from homescreen. I could not get it installed through android studio or through flutter install commands. What worked for me was to generate the release apk.
flutter build apk
And put the apk in the device and install it again manually through the device. After which there was no issues with installing through both android studio or flutter commands.
This happened for me because there was a typo in gradle.properties. I assume it had something to do with the refactor tool in Android Studio. Two settings ended up on the same line like this:
android.enableJetifier = trueandroid.enableR8=true
When I fixed it, it worked again.
I ran into this issue after changing my package name. Following the instructions on this post helped me: Flutter App is not working after changing package name