Is there any elegant way to check if a file was included by using include
or if the pag
They is no way to separate them as include/include_once/require/require_once
but php has get_included_files
and get_required_files
which is the same thing and only returns array of all included files. Its does not separate it if its required
or included
Example a.php
include 'b.php';
include_once 'c.php';
require 'd.php';
0 => string '..\lab\stockoverflow\a.php' (length=46) <---- Returns current file
1 => string '..\lab\stockoverflow\b.php' (length=46)
2 => string '..\lab\stockoverflow\c.php' (length=46)
3 => string '..\lab\stockoverflow\d.php' (length=46)
But you can do something like
$inc = new IncludeManager($file);
var_dump($inc->find("b.php")); // Check if a file is included
var_dump($inc->getFiles("require_once")); // Get All Required Once
Class Used
class IncludeManager {
private $list = array();
private $tokens = array();
private $find;
private $file;
private $type = array(262 => "include",261 => "include_once",259 => "reguire",258 => "require_once");
function __construct($file) {
$this->file = $file;
private function _parse() {
$tokens = token_get_all(file_get_contents($this->file));
for($i = 0; $i < count($tokens); $i ++) {
if (count($tokens[$i]) == 3) {
if (array_key_exists($tokens[$i][0], $this->type)) {
$f = $tokens[$i + 1][0] == 371 ? $tokens[$i + 2][1] : $tokens[$i + 1][1];
$this->list[] = array("pos" => $i,"type" => $this->type[$tokens[$i][0]],"file" => trim($f, "\"\'"));
public function find($find) {
$finds = array_filter($this->list, function ($v) use($find) {
return $v['file'] == $find;
return empty($finds) ? false : $finds;
public function getList() {
return $this->list;
public function getFiles($type = null) {
$finds = array_filter($this->list, function ($v) use($type) {
return is_null($type) ? true : $type == $v['type'];
return empty($finds) ? false : $finds;
Quoted from: How to know if php script is called via require_once()?
I was looking for a way to determine if a file have been included or called directly, all from within the file. At some point in my quest I passed through this thread. Checking various other threads on this and other sites and pages from the PHP manual I got enlightened and came up with this piece of code:
if (basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])) {
echo "called directly";
} else {
echo "included/required";
In essence it compares if the name of the current file (the one that could be included) is the same as the file that is beeing executed.
Credit: @Interwebs Cowboy
if (defined('FLAG_FROM_A_PARENT'))
// Works in all scenarios but I personally dislike this
if (__FILE__ == get_included_files()[0])
// Doesn't work with PHP prepend unless calling [1] instead.
// May break on Windows due to mixed DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
if (basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))
// Doesn't work with files with the same basename but different paths
if (realpath(__FILE__) == realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))
// Seems to do the trick as long as document root is properly configured
Note: On WAMP Servers virtual-hosts sometimes inherit the default document root setting, causing $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']
to display wrong path.
It's sooo simple.. I have made something like this:
//code for file.php
if (!isset($file_included)){
echo "It was loaded!";
} else {
echo "It was included!";
//code for loader.php
//proves that atleast loader.php has loaded,
//not the file we targeted first..
$file_included = true;
And that's it.. as simple as in python.
I took a similar approach to this issue when I cam across it. The solution I found was to load each file as needed in an include_once method. Hope this helps.
$FILES = get_included_files(); // Retrieves files included as array($FILE)
$FILE = __FILE__; // Set value of current file with absolute path
if(!in_array($FILE, $FILES)){ // Checks if file $FILE is in $FILES
include_once "PATH_TO_FILE"; // Includes file with include_once if $FILE is not found.
I have the following function established to check files loaded:
function ARRAY_DUMP($array){
echo "
<span style='font-size:12px;'>".date('h:i:s').":</span>
<pre style='font-size:12px;'>", print_r($array, 1), "</pre>
[0] => /home/MY_DOMAIN/hardeen/index.php
[1] => /home/MY_DOMAIN/hardeen/core/construct.php
[2] => /home/MY_DOMAIN/hardeen/core/template.php
[3] => /home/MY_DOMAIN/hardeen/bin/tags.php
[4] => /home/MY_DOMAIN/hardeen/bin/systemFunction.php
//file was navigated to directly
Taken from mgutt's answer to a slightly different question here. It's important to note this doesn't work if the script is run from command line but other than that it functions exactly like python's
if __name__ == '__main__':
as far as I can tell