I need to change the large app icon (512x512) for app store. I can\'t find how to to this through iTunes Connect. I\'s possible change the app screenshots though. I read the
Just remove the build from build section, app icons automatically unlocked then you can update Appstore icon.
I think, no need to upload a new build. Sorry, it's in French, but I think you get it. You need to scroll a little bit but there you can upload an image file. Best is PNG and size 1024x1024.
Change iTunes / App Store Icon.
With new UI & Functional changes in https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/. Now your app icon will get change only with Assets.xcassets -> AppIcon -> ItunesArtwork@2x.png of 1024 X 1024.
In earlier https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/ UI & Functional there were separate features to change the App icon for iTunes.