I am trying to call a Lambda Function through AWS API Gateway. When I mention Authentication type NONE it works fine but API become public and anyone with url can access my
I've lost some time for a silly reason:
When you create a stage, the link displayed does not contain the resource part of the URL:
API URL: https://1111.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev
API + RESOURCE URL https://1111.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/get-list
The /get-list was missing
And of course, you need to check that the method configuration looks like this:
Found this in the docs:
If the AWS_IAM authorization were used, you would sign the request using the Signature Version 4 protocols.
Signing request with Signature Version 4
You can also generate an SDK for your API.
How to generate an SDK for an API in API Gateway
Once you've generated the SDK for the platform of your choice, step 6 mentions that if you're using AWS credentials, the request to the API will be signed:
To initialize the API Gateway-generated SDK with AWS credentials, use code similar to the following. If you use AWS credentials, all requests to the API will be signed. This means you must set the appropriate CORS Accept headers for each request:
var apigClient = apigClientFactory.newClient({
accessKey: 'ACCESS_KEY',
secretKey: 'SECRET_KEY',
For the record, if you wouldn't be using credentials, this error also shows when you are setting the request validator in your POST/PUT method to "validate body, query string parameters and HEADERS", or the other option "validate query string parameters and HEADERS"....in that case it will look for the credentials on the header and reject the request. To sum it up, if you don't intend to send credentials and want to keep it open you should not set that option in request validator(set it to either NONE or to validate body)
In my case it was quite a stupid thing. I've get used that new entities are created using POST and it was failing with "Missing Authentication Token". I've missed that for some reason it was defined as PUT which is working fine.
If you set up an IAM role for your server that has the AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess permission, you still need to pass headers on each request. You can do this in python with the aws-requests-auth library like so:
import requests
from aws_requests_auth.boto_utils import BotoAWSRequestsAuth
auth = BotoAWSRequestsAuth(
response = requests.get("https://API_ID.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/STAGE/RESOURCE", auth=auth)
I had the same problem which I solved the following way:
GET Method test
Authorization tab ->
• select type(AWS signature)
• Add AccessKey and SecretKey