Is it possible to create a cookie using arrays?
I would like to store a[0]=\'peter\'
, a[\'1\']=\'esther\'
, a[\'2\']=\'john\'
Create array in cookie using jQUery?
var list = new cookieList("test"); $(img).one('click', function(i){ while($('.selected').length < 3) {
//$.cookie(setup.config.COOKIE_NAME, d, setup.config.OPTS);
var index = $(this).parent().index();
// suppose this array go into cookies.. but failed
list.add( index );
var count = 'You have selected : <span>' + $('.selected').length + '</span> deals';
if( $('.total').length ){
} });
You can save a lot of data within a single cookie and return it as an array, try this
function setCookie(cookieKey, cookieValue) {
var cookie = document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)idpurchase\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1")
var idPurchase = cookie.split(",")
document.cookie = cookieKey+"=" + idPurchase
console.log("Id das compras efetuadas :",idPurchase)
$("#purchases_ids option:last").after($('<option onclick="document.getElementById("input_class1").value='+cookieValue+'" value="'+cookieValue+'">'+cookieValue+'</option>'))
function checkCookie() {
var cookie = document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)idpurchase\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1")
var idPurchase = cookie.split(",")
console.log("Id das compras efetuadas :",idPurchase)
for (i = 1; i < idPurchase.length; i++) {
$("#purchases_ids option:last").after($('<option value="'+idPurchase[i]+'">'+idPurchase[i]+'</option>'))
in this project that I created I store values in arrays, codePen is not allowing the storage of cookies, but in the example below you can get a complete picture, just study the implementation
Github project
Open in Gitpod
As you can read in this topic:
You combine the use jQuery.cookie plugin and JSON and solve your problem.
When you want to store an array, you create an array in JS and use JSON.stringify
to transform it into an string and stored with $.cookie('name', 'array_string')
var myAry = [1, 2, 3];
$.cookie('name', JSON.stringify(myAry));
When you want to retrive the array inside the cookie, you use $.cookie('name')
to retrive the cookie value and use JSON.parse
to retrive the array from the string.
var storedAry = JSON.parse($.cookie('name'));
//storedAry -> [1, 2, 3]