Any clever ideas on how to generate random coordinates (latitude / longitude) of places on Earth? Latitude / Longitude. Precision to 5 points and avoid bodies of water. <
Generating is easy, the Problem is that they should not be on water. I would import the "Open Streetmap" for example here and import it to an Database (verry easy data Structure). I would suggest PostgreSQL, it comes with some geo functions . For that you have to save the points in a "polygon"-column, then you can check with the "&&" operator if it is in an Water polygon. For the attributes of an OpenStreetmap Way-Entry you should have a look at
You might also do the blue green thing , and then store all the green points for later look up. This has the benifit of being "step wise" refinable. As you figure out a better way to make your list of points you can just point your random graber at a more and more acurate group of points.
Maybe a service provider has an answer to your question already: e.g.
Elevation api? above sea level or below? (no dutch points for you!)
Definitely you should have a map as a resource. You can take it here:
Then I would prepare 1bit black and white bitmap resource with 1s marking land and 0x marking water.
The size of bitmap depends on your required precision. If you need 5 degrees then your bitmap will be 360/5 x 180/5 = 72x36 pixels = 2592 bits.
Then I would load this bitmap in Java, generate random integer withing range above, read bit, and regenerate if it was zero.
P.S. Also you can dig here for some ready made solutions.
This is an extremely interesting question, from both a theoretical and practical perspective. The most suitable solution will largely depend on your exact requirements. Do you need to account for every body of water, or just the major seas and oceans? How critical are accuracy and correctness; Will identifying sea as land or vice-versa be a catastrophic failure?
I think machine learning techniques would be an excellent solution to this problem, provided that you don't mind the (hopefully small) probability that a point of water is incorrectly classified as land. If that's not an issue, then this approach should have a number of advantages against other techniques.
Using a bitmap is a nice solution, simple and elegant. It can be produced to a specified accuracy and the classification is guaranteed to be correct (Or a least as correct as you made the bitmap). But its practicality is dependent on how accurate you need the solution to be. You mention that you want the coordinate accuracy to 5 decimal places (which would be equivalent to mapping the whole surface of the planet to about the nearest metre). Using 1 bit per element, the bitmap would weigh in at ~73.6 terabytes!
We don't need to store all of this data though; We only need to know where the coastlines are. Just by knowing where a point is in relation to the coast, we can determine whether it is on land or sea. As a rough estimate, the CIA world factbook reports that there are 22498km of coastline on Earth. If we were to store coordiates for every metre of coastline, using a 32 bit word for each latitude and longitude, this would take less than 1.35GB to store. It's still a lot if this is for a trivial application, but a few orders of magnitude less than using a bitmap. If having such a high degree of accuracy isn't neccessary though, these numbers would drop considerably. Reducing the mapping to only the nearest kilometre would make the bitmap just ~75GB and the coordinates for the world's coastline could fit on a floppy disk.
What I propose is to use a clustering algorithm to decide whether a point is on land or not. We would first need a suitably large number of coordinates that we already know to be on either land or sea. Existing GIS databases would be suitable for this. Then we can analyse the points to determine clusters of land and sea. The decision boundary between the clusters should fall on the coastlines, and all points not determining the decision boundary can be removed. This process can be iterated to give a progressively more accurate boundary.
Only the points determining the decision boundary/the coastline need to be stored, and by using a simple distance metric we can quickly and easily decide if a set of coordinates are on land or sea. A large amount of resources would be required to train the system, but once complete the classifier would require very little space or time.
There is another way to approach this using the Google Earth Api. I know it is javascript, but I thought it was a novel way to solve the problem.
Anyhow, I have put together a full working solution here - notice it works for rivers too:
The basic idea I have used is implement the hiTest method of the GEView object in the Google Earth Api.
Take a look at the following example of the hitest from Google.
The hitTest method is supplied a random point on the screen in (pixel coordinates) for which it returns a GEHitTestResult object that contains information about the geographic location corresponding to the point. If one uses the GEPlugin.HIT_TEST_TERRAIN mode with the method one can limit results only to land (terrain) as long as we screen the results to points with an altitude > 1m
This is the function I use that implements the hitTest:
var hitTestTerrain = function()
var x = getRandomInt(0, 200); // same pixel size as the map3d div height
var y = getRandomInt(0, 200); // ditto for width
var result = ge.getView().hitTest(x, ge.UNITS_PIXELS, y, ge.UNITS_PIXELS, ge.HIT_TEST_TERRAIN);
var success = result && (result.getAltitude() > 1);
return { success: success, result: result };
Obviously you also want to have random results from anywhere on the globe (not just random points visible from a single viewpoint). To do this I move the earth view after each successful hitTestTerrain
call. This is achieved using a small helper function.
var flyTo = function(lat, lng, rng)
Finally here is a stripped down version of the main code block that calls these two methods.
var getRandomLandCoordinates = function()
var test = hitTestTerrain();
if (test.success)
coords[coords.length] = { lat: test.result.getLatitude(), lng: test.result.getLongitude() };
if (coords.length <= number)
So, the earth moves randomly to a postition
The other functions in there are just helpers to generate the random x,y and random lat,lng numbers, to output the results and also to toggle the controls etc.
I have tested the code quite a bit and the results are not 100% perfect, tweaking the altitude
to something higher, like 50m solves this but obviously it is diminishing the area of possible selected coordinates.
Obviously you could adapt the idea to suit you needs. Maybe running the code multiple times to populate a database or something.