I have an element that\'s getting styles applied via JavaScript. I\'m not sure exactly where; is there a way to check Firebug to show where the \"element.style\" is actually
You can also right click on the element in the HTML panel before the style is set and select break on Attribute Change. Script panel must be enabled.
I think this is what is default tool for the job, although it has limited debugging capabilities: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver
Also, make sure Ad Blocker is not responsible.
If you're sure it's being set on the inline style
and not as a consequence of a stylesheet rule, you can detect changes using the non-standard Mozilla watch() method:
document.body.style.watch('color', function(name, v0, v1) {
alert(name+': '+v0+'->'+v1);
document.body.style.color= 'red';
You can put debugger;
in the watcher function and look up the call stack in Firebug to see where the change was triggered.
On request from this question:
If you have firefox you can check the "Break on Attribute Change" option in the HTML tab. Just right click the target element and the menu will pop up. After that, resize the window and it will break in the script line where the attribute is changed.
You can open the script view and search for ".style" in the searchbox.