We are looking for a C++ Soap web services framework that support RPC, preferably open source. Any recommendations?
Try the ffead-cpp framework, it provides in-built web-service support, rest, json and many other useful features.
We are using EasySoap (http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/)
WSO2 Web Services Framework for C++ (WSO2 WSF/C++), a binding of WSO2 WSF/C into C++ is a C++ extension for consuming Web Services in C++.
Apache Axis is an open source, XML based Web service framework. It consists of a Java and a C++ implementation of the SOAP server, and various utilities and APIs for generating and deploying Web service applications.
Apache axis-c: Simple to use, but seems abandoned.. not even download pages is working for several months
WSOF WSFCPP: Fast quickstart dev, both binded or no-binded implementation, based on Apache AxisC and it seems most of the current developers of Apache Axis is from WSOF company. Besides the Great potential I've detected a memory leak.
I'm currently using Gsoap and It has very good performance. Gsoap "mixed notation" between old c style and some (bad?) practices for C++ bothers me some.. but this is only code-furniture.
POCO: Is a full-feature, modern (java?) like library. It is open source software, licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0. You'll have to write some things from scrach, but with great support, utility classes and etc great library.. Innovations from c++11+ with all boost initiatives + POCO + a new Build/Dependency system more "gradle like" will certainly bring c++ to new areas of development.
POCO Remoting gives you a very simple way of creating web services in C++ by just annotating C++ class definitions with special comments and running a code generator over it. It's commercial, but delivered with full source code. A free eval version is available. Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.
You could try gSOAP. Available under GPL and commercial licences.