I have a UITabBarController, and each tab handles a different UIViewController that pushes on the stack new controllers as needed. In two of these tabs I need, when a specif
From what I have seen here and elsewhere I have stitched together a solution that uses the method shouldAutorotate
since the old shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation
has been deprecated.
I have placed it inside a category to UITabBarController. I so hope this is admissible!
// call to method shouldAutorotate replaces call to method shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation (deprecated)
{ // check whether selected view controller should autorotate
UIViewController *controller = self.selectedViewController;
if ([controller isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]])
{ // in case it is a navigation controller: get visible view of that
controller = [(UINavigationController *)controller visibleViewController];
return [controller shouldAutorotate];