I want to have one callback function after actions are done, I\'m trying something like this:
I do a similar code but for images in a more dynamic way. Hope that it help.
var deferreds = [];
// Create a deferred for all images
$('.my-img-class').each(function() {
deferreds.push(new $.Deferred());
var i = 0;
// When image is loaded, resolve the next deferred
$('.my-img-class').load(function() {
// When all deferreds are done (all images loaded) do some stuff
$.when.apply(null, deferreds).done(function() {
// Do some stuff
This is because jQuery.when() expects jQuery.Deferred instances while load() returns an jQuery instance (see http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.when/ and http://api.jquery.com/load/).
You can work around this issue:
// Create two Deferred instances that can be handed to $.when()
var d1 = new $.Deferred();
var d2 = new $.Deferred();
// Set up the chain of events...
$.when(d1, d2).then(function() {
// And finally: Make the actual ajax calls:
$('#detail1').load('/getInfo.php', function() { d1.resolve(); });
$('#detail2').load('/getOther.php', function() { d2.resolve(); });