Stemming with R Text Analysis

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花落未央 2020-12-08 08:34

I am doing a lot of analysis with the TM package. One of my biggest problems are related to stemming and stemming-like transformations.

Let\'s say I hav

  • 2020-12-08 09:05

    We could set up a list of synonyms and replace those values. For example

    synonyms <- list(
        list(word="account", syns=c("acount", "accounnt"))

    This says we want to replace "acount" and "accounnt" with "account" (i'm assuming we're doing this after stemming). Now let's create test data.

    raw<-c("accounts", "account", "accounting", "acounting", 
         "acount", "acounts", "accounnt")

    And now let's define a transformation function that will replace the words in our list with the primary synonym.

    replaceSynonyms <- content_transformer(function(x, syn=NULL) { 
        Reduce(function(a,b) {
            gsub(paste0("\\b(", paste(b$syns, collapse="|"),")\\b"), b$word, a)}, syn, x)   

    Here we use the content_transformer function to define a custom transformation. And basically we just do a gsub to replace each of the words. We can then use this on a corpus

    tm <- Corpus(VectorSource(raw))
    tm <- tm_map(tm, stemDocument)
    tm <- tm_map(tm, replaceSynonyms, synonyms)

    and we can see all these values are transformed into "account" as desired. To add other synonyms, just add additional lists to the main synonyms list. Each sub-list should have the names "word" and "syns".

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  • 2020-12-08 09:06

    This question inspired me to attempt to write a spell check for the qdap package. There's an interactive version that may be useful here. It's available in qdap >= version 2.1.1. That means you'll need the dev version at the moment.. here are the steps to install:

    install_github("qdapDictionaries", "trinker")
    install_github("qdap", "trinker")
    library(tm); library(qdap)

    ## Recreate a Corpus like you describe.

    terms <- c("accounts", "account", "accounting", "acounting", "acount", "acounts", "accounnt")
    fake_text <- unlist(lapply(terms, function(x) {
        paste(sample(c(x, sample(DICTIONARY[[1]], sample(1:5, 1)))), collapse=" ")
    inspect(myCorp <- Corpus(VectorSource(fake_text)))

    ## The interactive spell checker (check_spelling_interactive)

    m <- check_spelling_interactive([[2]])
    inspect(myCorp <- tm_map(myCorp, correct(m)))

    The correct function merely grabs a closure function from the output of check_spelling_interactive and allows you to then apply the "correcting" to any new text string(s).

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  • 2020-12-08 09:13

    Mr. Flick has answered question #2. I am approaching via answering question #1.

    Here is an approach the uses a binary search of a known word data base (DICTIONARY from qdapDictionaries). A binary lookup is slow for sure but if we make some assumptions about the replacing (like a range of differences in number of character). So here's the basic idea:

    1. Turn the Corpus into a unique bag of words using qdap's bag_o_words
    2. Look those words up in a dictionary (qdapDictionaries' DICTIONARY data set) to find words not recognize using match
      • These misses from step # 2 will be what we lookup
    3. Determine number of characters for words in a dictionary to eliminate gross difference later using nchar
    4. Run each element of misses through a loop (sapply) and do the following:
      a. stem each element from misses using tm::stemDocument
      b. determine number of characters and eliminate those from dictionary that are not within that range using nchar
      c. use agrep with a max.distance to eliminate more words from the dictionary
      d. use a binary lookup (that reverse engineers agrep) to determine the word from dictionary that is closest to the missed element [note this is a non-exported function from qdap called qdap:::Ldist]
    5. The result is a named vector that we can use for gsubbing
    6. Use tm_map with a custom tm flavored gsub function to replace words
    7. Do the stemming with tm_map and stemDocument

    Here's the code. I made a fake Corpus using the words you provide and some random words to demonstrate how to do this from start to end. You can play with range and max.distance that is supplied to sapply. The looser you are with these the slower the search will be but tightiening these too much will make it more likely to make a mistake. This really isn't an answer for spelling correction in a general sense but works here because you were stemming anyway. There's an Aspell package but I have never used it before.

    terms <- c("accounts", "account", "accounting", "acounting", "acount", "acounts", "accounnt")
    library(tm); library(qdap)
    fake_text <- unlist(lapply(terms, function(x) {
        paste(sample(c(x, sample(DICTIONARY[[1]], sample(1:5, 1)))), collapse=" ")
    myCorp <- Corpus(VectorSource(fake_text))
    terms2 <- unique(bag_o_words([[2]]))
    misses <- terms2[, DICTIONARY[[1]]))]
    chars <- nchar(DICTIONARY[[1]])
    replacements <- sapply(misses, function(x, range = 3, max.distance = .2) {
        x <- stemDocument(x)
        wchar <- nchar(x)
        dict <- DICTIONARY[[1]][chars >= (wchar - range) & chars <= (wchar + range)]
        dict <- dict[agrep(x, dict, max.distance=max.distance)]
        names(which.min(sapply(dict, qdap:::Ldist, x)))
    replacer <- content_transformer(function(x) { 
        mgsub(names(replacements), replacements, x, = FALSE, fixed = FALSE)
    myCorp <- tm_map(myCorp, replacer)
    inspect(myCorp <- tm_map(myCorp, stemDocument))
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