I want to add a right click menu to delete, rename or open image in each of cell of QTAbleView in the rigt click menu, I have tried and found everyone is trying to add menu
I finally implemented it this way!!
def contextMenuEvent(self, pos):
if self.selectionModel().selection().indexes():
for i in self.selectionModel().selection().indexes():
row, column = i.row(), i.column()
menu = QtGui.QMenu()
openAction = menu.addAction("Open")
deleAction = menu.addAction("Delete")
renaAction = menu.addAction("Rename")
action = menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos))
if action ==openAction:
self.openAction(row, column)
def openAction(self, row, column):
if self._slideShowWin:
def deleteSelected(self):
that works like a charm !!!
has contextMenuEvent()
event, to show a right-click menu:
inside this eventQAction
s to QMenu
to slots using triggered
signal of QAction
on QMenu
When user right-click the tableView the cell under the mouse pointer will be selected and at the same time a menu will appear. When user selects an action on the menu, the connected slot will be called, get the selected cell of tabel in this slot and perform the required action on this cell.
def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
self.menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
renameAction = QtGui.QAction('Rename', self)
renameAction.triggered.connect(lambda: self.renameSlot(event))
# add other required actions
def renameSlot(self, event):
print "renaming slot called"
# get the selected row and column
row = self.tableWidget.rowAt(event.pos().y())
col = self.tableWidget.columnAt(event.pos().x())
# get the selected cell
cell = self.tableWidget.item(row, col)
# get the text inside selected cell (if any)
cellText = cell.text()
# get the widget inside selected cell (if any)
widget = self.tableWidget.cellWidget(row, col)