Since upgrading to Xcode 4.3.x, my archives of iOS app in Organizer don\'t have an icon. (I have icons on my Mac OS X apps though)
One app in particular is an iPad a
Add iTunesArtwork in your info.plist's CFBundleIconFiles.
I don't get it. However I'm running OS 10.8.2 and Xcode 4.5.2. At one point my app icon was working and somewhere along the way it vanished. I tried restarting, deleting derived data and nuthin.
However I tried:
Magic I guess...
Check if the name of icon file is "Icon.png" .... not "icon.png" Not "ICON.PNG" not "icon.Png"
In your projects build phases turning off image compression solved this for me (it's either image or png compression, not at my computer to check) now this is a very strange situation because I haven't changed the way I format my images sense upgrading to 4.3 but during the app validation process I received an error telling me that my Icon.png wasn't 57x57 when it clearly was. I looked up how to solve this and turning off image compression was the fix... Which apparently made the icon show up in organizer too.... Weird.
Good luck!
I had the exact same problem.
Intrigued by your statement about xcode-select
I first tried:
xcode-select -print-path
Which resulted in:
Which is obviously wrong. So I first closed Xcode and then:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
After I restarted XCode all the icons were back in the Organiser.
So thank you for pointing me in the right direction! But I realize it is probably not the solution for you. Hopefully others may benefit!
You may be mistaken on icon file name. Check if the name of icon file is "Icon.png" .... not "icon.png" Not "ICON.PNG" not "icon.Png". In my case it was "icon.png" I changed it to "Icon.png" and the problem got resolved.