I use this code in PHP:
$idcat = 147;
$thumbnail_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta( $idcat, \'thumbnail_id\', true );
$image = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail
This solution with few code. I think is better.
<?php echo wp_get_attachment_image( get_term_meta( get_queried_object_id(), 'thumbnail_id', 1 ), 'thumbnail' ); ?>
Add code in /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/
loop path
if ( is_product_category() ){
global $wp_query;
$cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$thumbnail_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta( $cat->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true );
$image = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail_id );
echo "<img src='{$image}' alt='' />";
From the WooCommerce page:
// WooCommerce – display category image on category archive add_action( 'woocommerce_archive_description', 'woocommerce_category_image', 2 ); function woocommerce_category_image() { if ( is_product_category() ){ global $wp_query; $cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $thumbnail_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta( $cat->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true ); $image = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail_id ); if ( $image ) { echo '<img src="' . $image . '" alt="" />'; } } }
get_woocommerce_term_meta is depricated since Woo 3.6.0.
so change
$thumbnail_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta($value->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true );
into: ($value->term_id should be woo category id)
get_term_meta($value->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true)
see docs for details: https://docs.woocommerce.com/wc-apidocs/function-get_woocommerce_term_meta.html
Use this code this may help you.i have passed the cat id 17.pass woocommerce cat id and thats it
global $woocommerce;
global $wp_query;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "woocommerce_termmeta";
$query="SELECT meta_value FROM {$table_name} WHERE `meta_key`='thumbnail_id' and woocommerce_term_id ={$cat_id} LIMIT 0 , 30";
$result = $wpdb->get_results($query);
foreach($result as $result1){
$img_id= $result1->meta_value;
echo '<img src="'.wp_get_attachment_url( $img_id ).'" alt="category image">';
You may also used foreach loop for display category image and etc from parent category given by parent id.
for example, i am giving 74 id of parent category, then i will display the image from child category and its slug also.
$catTerms = get_terms('product_cat', array('hide_empty' => 0, 'orderby' => 'ASC', 'child_of'=>'74'));
foreach($catTerms as $catTerm) : ?>
<?php $thumbnail_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta( $catTerm->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true );
// get the image URL
$image = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail_id ); ?>
<li><img src="<?php echo $image; ?>" width="152" height="245"/><span><?php echo $catTerm->name; ?></span></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>**