As you know, input
component has an attribute, checked
to whether mark the checkbox as enabled by default or not.
You can conditionally add checked attribute to radio input in thymeleaf as below:
<input type="radio" th:checked="${sales.sales_head.sales_type} == CREDIT" class="sales_type" value="CREDIT" name="sales_type" >
Here if sales_type is CREDIT the radio will be checked. Otherwise it remains unchecked.
According to the official thymeleaf documentation
is considered as a fixed-value Boolean attribute.
<input type="checkbox" name="active" th:checked="${}" />
should be a boolean
So in your case it should be as Andrea mentioned,
<input type="checkbox" name="mycheckbox" th:checked="${flag}" />
After digging a little, I found out the solution. There is th:checked
attribute for that purpose.
This works:
<input type="checkbox" name="mycheckbox" th:checked="${flag} ? 'checked'">
This fails:
<input type="checkbox" name="mycheckbox" th:checked="${flag} ? 'checked' : ''">
If checked=""
is set to input
component, it's marked checked. This method is valid for custom attributesth:attr
also. Consider following example:
<p th:attr="customattr=${flag}?'attr'></p>
If flag
is true, it's replaced with:
<p customattr="attr"></p>
If flag
is false, it's replaced with:
I faced problem for showing checkbox (tick mark on/off) in thymeleaf based on true or false value for the property. I solved it by following way.
Method in controller
@RequestMapping(value = "/test")
public String showCheckbox(Model model) {
boolean myBooleanVariable = false;
model.addAttribute("myBooleanVariable", myBooleanVariable);
return "sample-checkbox";
In HTML page:
<input type="checkbox" name="myBooleanVariable" th:checked="${myBooleanVariable}"/>
Neither suggested solutions worked for me.
This one worked:
th:checked="${#strings.equals(param.myRequestParameterXYZ, 'foobar')}"