I use the js library select2. This is a screenshot of what I have now:
In my case, I wanted the user's selections from the dropdown to appear in a list below the dropdown, rather than working like a regular dropdown list. So this workaround worked for me:
.on('select2:select', function (e) {
//clear the input box after a selection is made
Of course that won't work if you want the selected item to stay selected in select2's input box like it does with a regular select2 multiselect list.
The only workaround that I could come up with is to use both multiple: true
and maximumSelectionSize: 1
when setting up.
Please see my example here: http://jsfiddle.net/DanEtchy/Lnf8j/
What you are seeing is actually a multi-select or multi-value drop down box in that example. It is not a single value drop down box like you are using in your code. Per the Select2 website, select2 will detect that you are trying to use a multi-select box and will automatically apply that styling instead of the default (drop down arrow, etc.).
If you in fact need a single value drop down box, there is no direct way to make it display with the formatting of the multi-select so that it looks like a regular input box. There may be a way to fake it by adding or removing CSS classes. I played around a bit but couldn't find one.
Since you don't want the formatting, the search box, or the multi-select capability (I'm assuming) you probably don't need to use the select2 library.
Update: It looks like you're not the first person to try to do this. They plan to add this feature but it might be a while: https://github.com/ivaynberg/select2/issues/1345
Instead of Select2
the better choice would be selectize because Select2
seems dead
The usage is easy:
Here is number of examples how to use and customize selectize
Use these properties
width: '100%',
allowClear: true,
multiple: true,
maximumSelectionSize: 1,
just call this function on onchange event of dropdown
function ResentForMe(){
var _text=$('.select2-selection__rendered li:first-child').attr('title');
$('.select2-selection__rendered li:first-child').remove();
Note: Remove "Multiple" attribute from select
this work
$('.search-town-flat').select2({ multiple: true, placeholder: "Enter values", allowClear: true, maximumSelectionLength: 2, theme : "classic" }).on('select2:select', function (e) { $(this).val([]).trigger('change'); $(this).val([e.params.data.id]).trigger("change"); });