I am implementing login feature and for that using Post request but i am getting error saying
\"retrofit.RetrofitError: com.squareup.okhttp.interna
You can use the class like this:
public interface SafeUserApi {
void getUserLogin(@Body PostData postData);
public class PostData{
String client_id;
String client_secret;
String username;
String password;
Retrofit uses Gson by default to convert HTTP bodies to and from JSON. If you want to specify behavior that is different from Gson's defaults (e.g. naming policies, date formats, custom types), provide a new Gson instance with your desired behavior when building a RestAdapter. Refer to the Gson documentation for more details on customization."
See link for more info: http://square.github.io/retrofit/
Retrofit 2.0 version:
Call<SignInResult> userSignIn(
@FieldMap HashMap<String, String> authData
You can also pass multiple field parameter: for example:
void getToken(
@FieldMap Map<String, String> params,
Callback<FacebookLoginUserResponse> callback
Try using this
public interface SafeUserApi {
void getUserLogin(
@Field("client_id") String id,
@Field("client_secret") String secret,
@Field("username") String uname,
@Field("password") String password,
Callback<LoginResult> cb
Here parm1 is the POST parameter that you will be passing it to the server. This will solve your problem
in case if you are using PHP u can access the param1 using $uname= $_POST('username');
retrofit 2.0 version:
public interface SafeUserApi {
Call<ResponseBody> getUserLogin(
@Field("client_id") String id,
@Field("client_secret") String secret,
@Field("username") String uname,
@Field("password") String password
I got this error today
("retrofit.RetrofitError: com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.HttpMethod.METHODS")
The problem was I was using different versions okhttp and okhttp-urlconnection, so make sure they match.